The Litigators by John Grisham
This book was enjoyable but predictable. Grisham has written some pretty original books (by his standards) over the past few years, but this book was a bit of a regression to the mean. I don't know if this book is accurate or not, but it doesn't make life at a big law firm seem very appealing. Grade: C
Maphead by Ken Jennings
While I am only a mild "maphead", I really enjoyed this book. Well, I enjoyed it as much as possible considering that it was a book about maps and people that are passionate about maps. Grade: B
13 Things That Don't Make Sense by Michael Brooks
A wonderful book about 13 unsolved mysteries in science. The book focuses mainly on problems in cosmology and human biology, but I loved the book even though I don't work in those areas. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in science. Grade: A-
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathon Haidt
Another very interesting book about psychology, morality, and human nature. It highlighted a number of issues that I've observed but failed to full appreciate when it comes to division in the areas of politics and religion. I recommend this book because it will help you to appreciate where other people that you may not agree with are coming from. I'd give it a higher grade, but I feel like the author could have cut at least 30% of the words without cutting information. Grade: B