3. n_C2H4,in = 46.1 moles, n_H2O,in = 47.4 moles
4. ratio = 0.86 m^3 diluting air / m^3 fuel gas
3. n_C2H4,in = 46.1 moles, n_H2O,in = 47.4 moles
4. ratio = 0.86 m^3 diluting air / m^3 fuel gas
The Fall of the Faculty by Benjamin Ginsberg A book about changes in the administration of colleges and universities in the U.S. Interesting. A little overly angry, but interesting. Grade: B+
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson et al Boring, uninteresting, and not compelling. The book did contain some valuable insights, but, overall, I wouldn't recommend it. Grade: D