Brain Web by Douglas E. Richards
The second book in the Nick Hall Series follows the ongoing story of a character (Nick Hall) that can read minds and has an internet implant in his head. Another enjoyable story from Douglas Richards. Grade: B-
The Frackers by Gregory Zuckerman
A fascinating book about the rise in hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling and the people and technologies that led to a resurgence in U.S. oil and natural gas production from dense rock (shale). Very well written and extremely interesting. The book does not directly address the environmental questions, but it does focus on some interesting and real people. A near must read. Grade: A-
From Sand and Ash by Amy Harmon
A story setting in Italy during World War 2. The main characters are a Jewish woman and a priest, and they are in love. Very moving and you are going to learn some (more) history. Highly recommended. Grade: A-
Brilliance by Marcus Sakey
This is a fictional story about what happens when some people are born with incredible abilities or 'brilliance'. The story is enjoyable, but the book also raises some fascinating questions that I cannot get out of my head. Grade: B+
Written in Fire by Marcus Sakey
The third book in the Brilliance Trilogy. Probably the best book in the trilogy, but otherwise forgettable. Grade: B+