Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring Book Reviews

Future Crimes by Marc Goodman
An extraordinarily interesting and scary book about computers and crime.  The book focuses on computer viruses, computer security, and technology based crime in general.  I think the book is a must read, but I also wish a few chapters on gadgets had been left out because it was really, really long.  Grade: A-

Nonobvious: How to think Differnt, Curate Ideas & Predict the Future by Rohit Bhargava.
This book has two parts: the first part is a description of the process used by the author to predict future trends.  The second part is the authors 2015 trends prediction.  Some of the trend predictions and associated anecdotes were interesting, but, overall, the book was somewhat forgettable.  Good but not great.  Grade: B-

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This 'classic' book is now 25 years old.  A great story about pursuing your dreams and watching for omens.  Grade: A-

Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter
A book about current psychology research, complete with anecdotes, into the factors that most impact us.  Hint -- one chapter is on the influence of color.  The book was interesting, not that memorable.  Grade: B

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
A current best seller in fiction.  This is a story about a bunch of messed up people that find themselves in a messed up (and scary) situation.  It was enjoyable, but I'm surprised by the books popularity.  Grade: B