Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chromebook Review

I have a gadget addiction. However, that addiction makes me a fairly informed reviewer. Here's my musings on some computational gadgets that I've used extensively in the last year.

I started with an iPad (generation 1). I loved how convenient it was for email, reading the news, and playing simple games. I loved how fast it turned on. I hated how expensive it was so I was always really careful with it.

Then, Google came out with the Nexus 7, which I liked much better than the iPad for 3 reasons. First, it had much better integration with the Google services I used like gmail, calendar, and Drive. Second, I loved the much cheaper price, which meant I had to worry much less about how I handled the device. Third, I loved the smaller size, which allowed me to keep the device in reasonable sized coat pocket.

Now, I've moved on to the Chromebook. Like the Nexus 7, it integrates really well with Google services and it is really cheap ($250 in my case for the model with the SSD drive -- a must). It boots in less than 10 seconds, and the full size keyboard is simply wonderful. I also find the larger screen to be really nice. It weighs only 2.4 pounds! The only downside is that it doesn't fit in my pocket. That really doesn't bother me once I realized I take my Timbuk2 bag almost everywhere. I cannot image using the chromebook as my only computer today, but as more stuff moves online, I can image using it exclusively in 3-5 years. That will be awesome.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

First Book Review of 2013

I've read a few good books in 2013. Here are the short summaries and grades.

Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet by Andrew Blum An interesting book that takes a look at the history and current layout/infrastructure of the internet. I really enjoyed the book, but wished it had been a little more technical. More information about packet switching and the TCP/IP protocol would have benefited the book -- IMO. Still, worth the read. Grade: B

Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas A very lengthy biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a theologian that was killed near the end of World War 2. It was interesting, but I wish it had been condensed some. I learned a lot about Germany from 1910-1945, however. Grade: B-

Life of Pi by Yann Martel It was good, but I guess I had unrealistic expectations. The real brilliance of the book was the way Martel made it seem, superficially, like non-fiction even though it was fiction. It was a nice way of demonstrating the power of a good story. Grade: B

An Unexpected Twist by Andy Borowitz This is a kindle short that can be read in less than 30 minutes. I loved it. It was funny while communicating the appreciation we should have for each and every day we are given. Grade: A-